Do you live in a brown household and share a room with your siblings ? Because if you do, then you can definitely understand my pain. Now see the thing is I like clean and organised things ( the only problem is I am very lazy and the motivation to fix things is a rare thing )
However, it is very frustrating to keep organising things when your siblings keep messing them up.
So today I was sitting on my bed when I opened my laptop and started going through this week’s projects by Amal.

Here’s a look at the room before I started the project. The sheets are calling me out to fix them, there are so many small random items lying here and there, that you probably can’t see very clearly zoomed out, and the book shelf… well let’s just wait for the close up.
The first step of the project was to look around myself and find one item that needs to be fixed. I turned to my right side, and I instantly knew It was going to be my bookshelf! It’s one of the most prominent parts of my room. And when it’s messed up, the whole room looks messy.
Here’s a closer look at it:

There were all sorts of books lying with no particular order, a lot of assignment pages and some schools bags beneath. If you look closely you can even see some random spray and ribbons lying on it. I mean.. don’t judge please. 💀💀 So This is the place from where all my notes magically disappear when I need them. Huh! What a tragedy.
I started off by arranging the books and classifying them by subject and size. I moved some of the books and files to the basement, that are no longer used by anyone. I took all the miscellaneous items and put them in containers which I placed into different cabinets. And then,

This motivated me to change my sheets as well and here’s the final look,

I mean I don’t want to brag but It’s safe to say that someone got a lot of “wows” that day. 😗
After fixing my room, I actually felt better and at peace. The praise I got added to the sense of achievement.
Was I going to do if Amal hadn’t asked me to do it? Well eventually yes, but definitely not at the same time. I think the reason for which is that fixing it once wouldn’t have been enough and maintaining it daily seems like a big task. But I have realised that recognising the need of change and actively working for it everyday was the whole point of this activity. To take responsibility without authority and to take an initiative to fix things around yourself!
I will try to maintain what I have fixed, and meanwhile if you have anything that needs fixing, please don’t wait for someone to tell you to fix it like I did ! Take a step towards change, you will feel better. Trust me!